Thursday, April 23, 2009

staying overnyt in mel's is good. she is always there. so i dont cry cause of something small. i miss you! yesterday cannot sleep, i dunno why.. maybe think too much. aih.. today woke up at 10am. at 11.30am, we supposed to pick up shin yin and go straight to HELP to check out their degree programme, but aunty called, we brought joel to see his car. so today was kinda tired.. whooh..
nothing much.. we all went to shin yin's house. we played WII (nintendo). nice! its like real life game. but this one jx used your hand la of course, but kinda tiring. haha.. i played tennis with melissa and also boxing game with her. guess what! she won all of it. argh.. im a bad player. lolx.

*fun fun*
*i love you mel*
*kiss hugs*

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